Háj Nicovô

#for the family #sights


Liptovský Mikuláš

Availability from the hotel

20 min. by car

The outskirts of the city of Liptovský Mikuláš are quietly guarded by Háje hill from the northeast. It is in this place that the area of ​​pieta rests. It consists of a cemetery and a memorial to the fallen, especially during the spring of 1945. This place should remain a symbol of patriotism, which stood against fascism even at the cost of its own blood. At the end of the Second World War, some of the hardest and longest battles took place right on the site of this sacred area. We can compare them to those on Dukla. The pieta area was revealed to the public on May 9, 1961, its author is Ing. arch. Ladislav Bauer, Ing. arch. Aladár Búzik and academic sculptors Alfonz Groma and Miroslav Ksandr. In the middle of the vast area is a monumental staircase. On his left side is a statue representing the oath to the battle flag, and on his right side is the symbolism of peace and victory. On the highest step of the staircase there is a landmark – a pylon, the top of which is decorated with a five- pointed star. In the lower part there are reliefs that show: honoring the flag, helping the wounded, laying a wreath and a scene over the grave. There is a cemetery on both sides of the monument. Currently, more than 1350 heroes rest here. This place was intended for fighting on purpose, the surrounding countryside is in the palm of your hand. If you want to enjoy this view, just turn left from Rachmaninov Square in Liptovský Mikuláš to Kpt. Sticker and after crossing the railroad crossing, the Heroes’ Path will take you directly to the area.
Contact us
Jánošíkovo nábrežie 1
031 01 Liptovský Mikuláš

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